St treatment group (0.1 CH) and the highest treatments group (8 CH). When ML240 chemical information compared to the manual methodology, the segmentation approach lead to a similar correlation between CH and CO as indicated by analogous R2 values, as well as similar slopes (Figure S2. This demonstrates congruous strength of detected effect of CH on CO and similar sensitivity in the analysis paradigms. The Fourier approach shows slightly decreased R2 and slope value. The error in the measurements in the Fourier analysis is however less than both manual and segmentation approaches. Longer-term dietary intervention in zebrafish in a previous study [18] indicated that when ground hawthorn leaves and flowers were added to food combined with cholesterol there was an interaction effect between hawthorn and cholesterol to improve cardiac output compared to cholesterol treated fish. In this study, treatment with MHE lead to a statistically significant increase in SV and EF. These results therefore agree with one another, as our method in this present endeavor required that we introduce hawthorn in an egg yolk and water solution. Also, the approximately 20 increase in SV and EF due to MHE treatmentsuggests it to be a clinically relevant inotropic agent, supporting its present use as a cardiotonic in heart failure [26]. Previous 11089-65-9 site studies on alcoholic extracts of hawthorn leaves and flowers demonstrate increased cardiomyocyte contractility and vasodilatory effects in cell culture and ex vivo experimental paradigms [26]. It is therefore likely that the increase we detected in SV and EF is due to a combination of vasodilation and increased cardiac inotropy, combining to improve cardiac function. In this study we have provided a simple and robust platform for testing the efficacy and side effects of dietary intervention of hypercholesterolemia in an in vivo, highly-automated screen. We have also confirmed that methanolic extract of Crataegus laevigata is likely an antihypercholesterolemic treatment, as well as a potential cardiotonic agent. This indicates that this plant has wide ranging, holistic influence on bodily functionand that more research needs to be done in order that its proper indication in disease is elucidated.Supporting InformationFigure S1 Comparison of Segmentation and Fourier Analysis Methods. Healthy (upper) and erratic (lower) waveforms were analyzed in order to determine which method best detected peaks and troughs in each case. In both cases the segmentation approach gave closer values to manual measurement than did the Fourier transform approach. Lines represent mean systole (blue) and mean diastole (purple) as calculated with each method. (TIF) Figure S2 Manual and Automated Analyses of Cholesterol (CH) vs. Cardiac Output (CO) Regression. Comparison of regression characteristics between manual, segmentation and Fourier approaches. R2 represents the strength of correlation between the variables. Slope demonstrates the detected magnitude of impact of CH on CO. *indicates P,0.05 between 0.1 CH (lowest dose) and 8 CH (highest dose). This difference was detected in each trial. Data for analyses utilized with permission from Littleton et al, 2012 [18]. (TIF)AcknowledgmentsThe authors would like to thank Chet Closson and Marshall Montrose for microscopy assistance and advice.Author ContributionsConceived and designed the experiments: RML KJH JRH HT KDRS SN. Performed 12926553 the experiments: RML HT KDRS. Analyzed the data: RML KJH JRH. Contributed reagents/material.St treatment group (0.1 CH) and the highest treatments group (8 CH). When compared to the manual methodology, the segmentation approach lead to a similar correlation between CH and CO as indicated by analogous R2 values, as well as similar slopes (Figure S2. This demonstrates congruous strength of detected effect of CH on CO and similar sensitivity in the analysis paradigms. The Fourier approach shows slightly decreased R2 and slope value. The error in the measurements in the Fourier analysis is however less than both manual and segmentation approaches. Longer-term dietary intervention in zebrafish in a previous study [18] indicated that when ground hawthorn leaves and flowers were added to food combined with cholesterol there was an interaction effect between hawthorn and cholesterol to improve cardiac output compared to cholesterol treated fish. In this study, treatment with MHE lead to a statistically significant increase in SV and EF. These results therefore agree with one another, as our method in this present endeavor required that we introduce hawthorn in an egg yolk and water solution. Also, the approximately 20 increase in SV and EF due to MHE treatmentsuggests it to be a clinically relevant inotropic agent, supporting its present use as a cardiotonic in heart failure [26]. Previous studies on alcoholic extracts of hawthorn leaves and flowers demonstrate increased cardiomyocyte contractility and vasodilatory effects in cell culture and ex vivo experimental paradigms [26]. It is therefore likely that the increase we detected in SV and EF is due to a combination of vasodilation and increased cardiac inotropy, combining to improve cardiac function. In this study we have provided a simple and robust platform for testing the efficacy and side effects of dietary intervention of hypercholesterolemia in an in vivo, highly-automated screen. We have also confirmed that methanolic extract of Crataegus laevigata is likely an antihypercholesterolemic treatment, as well as a potential cardiotonic agent. This indicates that this plant has wide ranging, holistic influence on bodily functionand that more research needs to be done in order that its proper indication in disease is elucidated.Supporting InformationFigure S1 Comparison of Segmentation and Fourier Analysis Methods. Healthy (upper) and erratic (lower) waveforms were analyzed in order to determine which method best detected peaks and troughs in each case. In both cases the segmentation approach gave closer values to manual measurement than did the Fourier transform approach. Lines represent mean systole (blue) and mean diastole (purple) as calculated with each method. (TIF) Figure S2 Manual and Automated Analyses of Cholesterol (CH) vs. Cardiac Output (CO) Regression. Comparison of regression characteristics between manual, segmentation and Fourier approaches. R2 represents the strength of correlation between the variables. Slope demonstrates the detected magnitude of impact of CH on CO. *indicates P,0.05 between 0.1 CH (lowest dose) and 8 CH (highest dose). This difference was detected in each trial. Data for analyses utilized with permission from Littleton et al, 2012 [18]. (TIF)AcknowledgmentsThe authors would like to thank Chet Closson and Marshall Montrose for microscopy assistance and advice.Author ContributionsConceived and designed the experiments: RML KJH JRH HT KDRS SN. Performed 12926553 the experiments: RML HT KDRS. Analyzed the data: RML KJH JRH. Contributed reagents/material.