Spital contribution to WTP effluent. Their summary includes the studies of [34,36,37,39,40]. Their work confirms the high spatial heterogeneity of the contribution of hospitals to the total load in WTP influent. Our study shows that temporal heterogeneity exists also. However, little variability was observed from one year to the next in the contribution of hospitals to the total antibiotic load consumed over the WTP basin (Figure 3), whereas these fluctuations can be marked when observed at a monthly time scale (Table 4). As a consequence, field campaigns that aim to estimate hospital pharmaceutical ENMD-2076 web contributions to WTPs from comparison of measurements in hospital effluent and WTP influent need to account for this variability in hospital releases.Modelled ConcentrationsHere, PEC was calculated for WTP influent using Eq.2. Box plots of the results built from the 5-y monthly total antibiotic consumption for the Vidy Bay WTP catchment are presented in Figure 6 for the eight substances investigated. Monthly water volumes for computation of concentrations were obtained using monthly dry weather wastewater coefficients (see Figure 1). As presented in Figure 1, monthly dry weather wastewater flow at the WTP inlet follows a periodic fluctuation (+40/225 around annual mean). Seasonality was also observed for consumption of some antibiotics above, in particular forAntibiotics Origin in Wastewaterazithromycin, azithromycin, clarithromycin and ciprofloxacin. However, antibiotic consumption and wastewater flow tend to be out of phase. Antibiotic consumption is generally higher in winter and lower in summer, whereas flow of wastewater is lower in winter and higher in summer. This leads to an increase in the amplitude of the concentration variation E-7438 Predicted at the WTP inlet. The maximum seasonal effect of consumption on PEC is observed for clarithromycin, with a maximum concentration predicted in January around four times greater than the minimum expected in August. This suggests that seasonality in drug consumption alone does not explain the observed fluctuations in pharmaceutical concentrations [9,12,15,16]. As a consequence, this fluctuation would be equally present for all sort continuous (not rain-driven) urban sources of pollution (ammonium, cleaning products, etc.). The PEC model used in this study is obviously limited by the fact that it is built upon the strong assumption of conservative mass transfer of substances from excretion to the WTP entrance. Yet, this type of modelling approach is used often in risk prioritization studies [25?7,32,33]. Typically, the PEC obtained from annual data is compared to a threshold effect value (for instance, the Predicted No Effect Concentration: PNEC). The substance is considered as a risk if the threshold value is exceeded. However, we highlighted in this study that several substances could show sizable fluctuations in their environmental concentrations, due to the combination of patterns that govern consumption and flow at the monthly time scale. These fluctuations will affect directly the results of the existing risk assessment methodologies. Indeed, it is now generally established that the risk of a substance does not depend solely on its average concentration but also on its concentration dynamics, which has so far not been considered [19,20].ConclusionIn conclusion, this study has revealed important facts regarding antibiotic consumption as a source of environmental pollution. Some antibiotics have.Spital contribution to WTP effluent. Their summary includes the studies of [34,36,37,39,40]. Their work confirms the high spatial heterogeneity of the contribution of hospitals to the total load in WTP influent. Our study shows that temporal heterogeneity exists also. However, little variability was observed from one year to the next in the contribution of hospitals to the total antibiotic load consumed over the WTP basin (Figure 3), whereas these fluctuations can be marked when observed at a monthly time scale (Table 4). As a consequence, field campaigns that aim to estimate hospital pharmaceutical contributions to WTPs from comparison of measurements in hospital effluent and WTP influent need to account for this variability in hospital releases.Modelled ConcentrationsHere, PEC was calculated for WTP influent using Eq.2. Box plots of the results built from the 5-y monthly total antibiotic consumption for the Vidy Bay WTP catchment are presented in Figure 6 for the eight substances investigated. Monthly water volumes for computation of concentrations were obtained using monthly dry weather wastewater coefficients (see Figure 1). As presented in Figure 1, monthly dry weather wastewater flow at the WTP inlet follows a periodic fluctuation (+40/225 around annual mean). Seasonality was also observed for consumption of some antibiotics above, in particular forAntibiotics Origin in Wastewaterazithromycin, azithromycin, clarithromycin and ciprofloxacin. However, antibiotic consumption and wastewater flow tend to be out of phase. Antibiotic consumption is generally higher in winter and lower in summer, whereas flow of wastewater is lower in winter and higher in summer. This leads to an increase in the amplitude of the concentration variation predicted at the WTP inlet. The maximum seasonal effect of consumption on PEC is observed for clarithromycin, with a maximum concentration predicted in January around four times greater than the minimum expected in August. This suggests that seasonality in drug consumption alone does not explain the observed fluctuations in pharmaceutical concentrations [9,12,15,16]. As a consequence, this fluctuation would be equally present for all sort continuous (not rain-driven) urban sources of pollution (ammonium, cleaning products, etc.). The PEC model used in this study is obviously limited by the fact that it is built upon the strong assumption of conservative mass transfer of substances from excretion to the WTP entrance. Yet, this type of modelling approach is used often in risk prioritization studies [25?7,32,33]. Typically, the PEC obtained from annual data is compared to a threshold effect value (for instance, the Predicted No Effect Concentration: PNEC). The substance is considered as a risk if the threshold value is exceeded. However, we highlighted in this study that several substances could show sizable fluctuations in their environmental concentrations, due to the combination of patterns that govern consumption and flow at the monthly time scale. These fluctuations will affect directly the results of the existing risk assessment methodologies. Indeed, it is now generally established that the risk of a substance does not depend solely on its average concentration but also on its concentration dynamics, which has so far not been considered [19,20].ConclusionIn conclusion, this study has revealed important facts regarding antibiotic consumption as a source of environmental pollution. Some antibiotics have.