The correct. Pale colors refer for the regional aeromagnetic map and
The ideal. Pale colors refer for the regional aeromagnetic map and bright colors, to the nearby drone-borne magnetic survey. Geological contours are superimposed in black and dark blue dots localize field magnetic susceptibility measurements. Place of modelled magnetic profiles represented as thick black dotted lines; the profile along the coast is presented inside the following figures. Table 1. Statistics of magnetic susceptibility measurements performed on each geological facies outcropping in the study area. A element of 10-3 applies for SI units. In the Lithology descriptions, Bt and Hbl stand for biotite and hornblende respectively. Aver. 7.6 six.1 7.1 7.6 13.2 32.eight 301.2 25.7 0.four Std. eight.7 four.eight 4.6 5.four 5.4 39.six 288.two 20.two 0.3 # Web pages 23 5 6 eight 20 22 13 5 six Code GPGN PMGT PAPD DPGN NSGT DOL SK DOLA DOLF Lithology Paleoproterozoic Bt-bearing grey paragneiss. Carboniferous Ploumanac’h monzogranite Carboniferous aplite-pegmatite dyke. Paleoproterozoic. Dark Bt+-Hbl-bearing gneiss Perros-Guirec Neoproterozoic meta-syenogranite. Dolerite dyke Pseudoskarn accompanying dolerites, granites and gneisses 1st gen. of mafic dykes like several fine grained mafic enclaves 2nd gen. of mafic dyke. Strongly foliated mafic dyke.Furthermore, to Table 1, it have to be noted that on pseudo-skarn outcrops, often the kappameter readings exceeded the measurement selection of the device (i.e., larger than 999 10-3 SI). Truly, native macroscopic magnetite was the usual constituent on pseudo-skarn outcrops: it was visually evaluated that the mineralization deposit was constituted of 50 of magnetite on average, locally close to one hundred . After [27], an empiric log-log relationship hyperlinks the magnetite content of rocks and their magnetic susceptibility, which shows that for one hundred of magnetite, 10 SI, and is around five SI for 50 magnetite. We truly utilised this worth of five SI for modeling the pseudo-skarn. It can be also probable that the pseudo-skarn mineralization is partly remanent. But this component of rock magnetization was not measured, and we did not consider it, since there was no clear evidence of predominant remanence within the study location: really, the magnetic map lowered to the pole doesn’t display obvious dipolar anomalies (Figure 4), which implies that magnetization in the rocks involved in the region is predominantly induced.Minerals 2021, 11,7 of3. Results three.1. Field-UAV Detailed Geological Mapping The study location is along the shore, in the foot of your cliff, accessible at low tide only (tide vertical amplitude reached 20 m during the survey); it consists of tiny to massive Thiamine pyrophosphate-d3 Cancer boulders partly covered by algae, producing the beach very hard to survey on foot (Figure 1). The whole location (about two km extended and 150 m wide, at low tide) was surveyed for detailed geology in roughly 5 days, totalizing more than 100 observation Cuminaldehyde Cancer web-sites. These observations have been interpreted in relation to the 1:50,000 geological map, and detailed geological contours and structures have been drawn within a GIS at the 1:500 scale, with the enable of your multispectral mosaic (see example in Figure 3). A resume of the detailed geology mapped on the shore is supplied hereafter, that will support the geophysical modeling. The Paleo-Proterozoic gneisses are represented by many kinds of gneisses that crop amongst the Variscan Ploumanac’h granite and also the Cadomian Perros-Guirec granite (Figure two). These layered gneisses are probable volcano-sedimentary metasediments composed of plagioclase,.