Ing) and to decipher their ligand rotein interaction with COX-1/2. Molecular
Ing) and to decipher their ligand rotein interaction with COX-1/2. Molecular dynamics simulationMolecules 2021, 26, x FOR PEER REVIEWMolecules 2021, 26,three of3 ofdocking) and to decipher their ligand rotein interaction with COX-1/2. Molecular dynamics simulation experiments and N-Desmethylclozapine medchemexpress binding energy calculations had been performed to idenexperiments and binding energy calculations were performed to recognize the stability and tify the stability and compactness of your selected ligand rotein complicated. Comparative compactness of the chosen ligand rotein complex. Comparative analysis was performed evaluation was performed against aspirin (Figure 1a), the selected FDA-approved, extensively against aspirin (Figure 1a), the selected FDA-approved, extensively utilised, and oldest antiused, and oldest anti-inflammatory lead molecule [38,39]. Also, we characterized inflammatory lead molecule [38,39]. Moreover, we characterized their pharmacokinetic their pharmacokinetic and toxicokinetic profiles to predict the bioactivity and security of and toxicokinetic profiles to predict the bioactivity and security of those brominated indoles. these brominated indoles.Figure 1. The 2D structure the ligands used in in study. (a) (a) aspirin, (b) tyrindoxyl sulfate, (c) tyrindoleninone, Figure 1. The 2D structure of in the ligands usedthis this study.aspirin, (b) tyrindoxyl sulfate, (c) tyrindoleninone, (d) 6-bromoisatin, and (e) 6,six dibromoindirubin. six,6dibromoindirubin.Molecules 2021, 26,4 of2. Final results and Discussion 2.1. Molecular Lonidamine Epigenetic Reader Domain docking Evaluation Molecular docking is a common strategy for structure-based drug design to evaluate the atomic level interaction in between small molecules and also a protein; hence, it assists to determine target specificity as well as binding affinity [402]. Molecular docking studies, employed here via GLIDE, predict the binding affinity of the 3D structure of D. orbita secondary metabolites into a cyclooxygenase isoform COX-1 (Figure two) and COX-2 binding website (Figure three). The outcomes on the GLIDE scores, GLIDE power, GLIDE model, and GLIDE ligand in the docking analyses are presented in Tables 1 and 2 for COX-1 and COX-2, respectively. As shown in Table 1, the docking score variety for the mollusk brominated indoles was -6.06 to -7.25 kcal/mol for COX-1, which is comparatively improved than the reference compound aspirin (-2.80 kcal/mol). Alternatively, the docking score of aspirin was -6.87 kcal/mol with all the COX-2 enzyme, which was related for the indole derivatives tyrindoxyl sulfate (-6.34 kcal/mol) and 6-bromoisatin (-6.19 kcal/mol). Additionally, tyrindoleninone showed a higher binding affinity toward COX-2, using a docking score of -7.17 kcal/mol. Interestingly, 6,six dibromoindirubin exhibited a higher binding Molecules 2021, 26, x FOR PEER Assessment 5 of 27 affinity to COX-1, along with the docking score was -7.25 kcal/mol, whereas the docking score of this compound was only -3.14 kcal/mol for COX-2.Figure 2. 3D interaction maps (distances of Dicathais orbita brominated indole derivatives and normal aspirin displaying the crystallographic ligand with a COX-1 active binding internet site; (a) aspirin, (b) tyrindoxyl sulfate, (c) tyrindoleninone, Figure 2. 3D interaction maps (distances of Dicathais orbita brominated indole derivatives and normal aspirin displaying (d) 6-bromoisatin, and (e) six,six -dibromoindirubin.binding internet site; (a) aspirin, (b) tyrindoxyl sulfate, (c) tyrindoleninone, (d) 6the crystallographic ligand using a COX-1 activebromoisatin, and (e) six,6′-dibromoindirubi.