O, Laura Bignami, Clementine Nordon, Alexandra Pham, Frederic ??Rouillon, Solange Cook, Catherine Doyen, Marie-Christine Mouren Simeoni, Priscille Gerardin, Sylvie Lebecq, Marc-Antoine Podlipski, Claire ?Gayet, Malaika Lasfar, Marc Delorme, Xavier Pommereau, Stephanie ?Bioulac, Emmanuel Bouvard, Jennifer Carrere, Karine Doncieux, Sophie Faucher, Catherine Fayollet et Amelie Prexl ?Author ContributionsConceived and designed the experiments: LM CH NG. Performed the experiments: LM. Analyzed the data: LM. Contributed reagents/ materials/analysis tools: LM. Wrote the paper: LM NG. Proofreading and revision: CH. Contributed to the data collection in the 11 centers: EVHAN. Assisted in the proofreading of the manuscript and the final corrections: EVHAN. Contributed to and have approved the final manuscript: LM CH EVHAN NG.AcknowledgmentsWe thank particularly all the persons who helped in the recruitment and the measurements. Members of the EVHAN group: Nathalie Godart, Sylvie Berthoz, Jeannne Duclos, Lama Mattar, Helene Roux, Marie-Raphaelle Thiebaut, ?Jenny Wallier, Annaig Courty, Damien Ringuenet, Christine Vindreau,
The most critical components of TB control are prompt identification and rapid implementation of effective treatment regimen to curtail transmission. Inadequate treatment regimen can select for drug resistant organism (acquired resistance) and transmission of these resistant bugs can lead to primary LED-209 chemical information resistance in individuals. [1] The emergence of multi drug resistant TB (MDR- TB) resistance to isoniazid (INH and rifampicin (RIF) and extensively drug resistant TB (XDR- TB) MDR- TB as well as additional resistance to any fluoroquinolone (FQ) and second line injectable drugs such as Kanamycin(KAN), Amikacin(AM) and capreomycin(CAP) threatens the efforts to reduce the global burden of TB. [2] The diagnosis of TB still relies heavily on the conventional methods of culture identification and drug susceptibility (DST) wherein culture takes about 3? weeks and DST in liquid medium takes about additional 10?2 days. [3] Inappropriate treatment regimen during the period till the DST results are available mayresult in increase of resistance and further transmission of this resistance compounds the issue. The DST for SLD is complex, time consuming and costly. Instead 24272870 use of direct rapid molecular technique to detect resistance through presence of mutations can be a great tool to decrease the diagnostic delay. The MedChemExpress ML 240 Genotype MTBDR plus assay has shown to have a good sensitivity and specificity for prediction of RIF and INH resistance both from direct sputum 1407003 specimens and culture isolates. In 2008, World Health Organization (WHO) has recommended the use of the Genotype MTBDR plus kit for the detection of RIF resistance from smear positive clinical specimens. [4]. Hain Life Sciences have developed another kit Genotype MTBDRsl which detects resistance to FQ (by targeting the commonly known mutations in the QRDR in gyrase A region) [5], SLD (by targeting the commonly known 1401 and 1484 mutations in the rrs gene) [6] and ethambutol (EMB) (by targeting the emb 306 mutation in the emb gene). [7] We evaluated the performance of this Genotype MTBDRsl kit with 170 smear positive clinical sputum specimens. The results were compared with the phenotypic DST done in Mycobacterial growth indicator tube (MGITEvaluation of Genotype MTBDRsl Assay960) (BD BioScience) using the WHO recommended critical concentrations. [8].NMaterials and Methods SettingThis st.O, Laura Bignami, Clementine Nordon, Alexandra Pham, Frederic ??Rouillon, Solange Cook, Catherine Doyen, Marie-Christine Mouren Simeoni, Priscille Gerardin, Sylvie Lebecq, Marc-Antoine Podlipski, Claire ?Gayet, Malaika Lasfar, Marc Delorme, Xavier Pommereau, Stephanie ?Bioulac, Emmanuel Bouvard, Jennifer Carrere, Karine Doncieux, Sophie Faucher, Catherine Fayollet et Amelie Prexl ?Author ContributionsConceived and designed the experiments: LM CH NG. Performed the experiments: LM. Analyzed the data: LM. Contributed reagents/ materials/analysis tools: LM. Wrote the paper: LM NG. Proofreading and revision: CH. Contributed to the data collection in the 11 centers: EVHAN. Assisted in the proofreading of the manuscript and the final corrections: EVHAN. Contributed to and have approved the final manuscript: LM CH EVHAN NG.AcknowledgmentsWe thank particularly all the persons who helped in the recruitment and the measurements. Members of the EVHAN group: Nathalie Godart, Sylvie Berthoz, Jeannne Duclos, Lama Mattar, Helene Roux, Marie-Raphaelle Thiebaut, ?Jenny Wallier, Annaig Courty, Damien Ringuenet, Christine Vindreau,
The most critical components of TB control are prompt identification and rapid implementation of effective treatment regimen to curtail transmission. Inadequate treatment regimen can select for drug resistant organism (acquired resistance) and transmission of these resistant bugs can lead to primary resistance in individuals. [1] The emergence of multi drug resistant TB (MDR- TB) resistance to isoniazid (INH and rifampicin (RIF) and extensively drug resistant TB (XDR- TB) MDR- TB as well as additional resistance to any fluoroquinolone (FQ) and second line injectable drugs such as Kanamycin(KAN), Amikacin(AM) and capreomycin(CAP) threatens the efforts to reduce the global burden of TB. [2] The diagnosis of TB still relies heavily on the conventional methods of culture identification and drug susceptibility (DST) wherein culture takes about 3? weeks and DST in liquid medium takes about additional 10?2 days. [3] Inappropriate treatment regimen during the period till the DST results are available mayresult in increase of resistance and further transmission of this resistance compounds the issue. The DST for SLD is complex, time consuming and costly. Instead 24272870 use of direct rapid molecular technique to detect resistance through presence of mutations can be a great tool to decrease the diagnostic delay. The Genotype MTBDR plus assay has shown to have a good sensitivity and specificity for prediction of RIF and INH resistance both from direct sputum 1407003 specimens and culture isolates. In 2008, World Health Organization (WHO) has recommended the use of the Genotype MTBDR plus kit for the detection of RIF resistance from smear positive clinical specimens. [4]. Hain Life Sciences have developed another kit Genotype MTBDRsl which detects resistance to FQ (by targeting the commonly known mutations in the QRDR in gyrase A region) [5], SLD (by targeting the commonly known 1401 and 1484 mutations in the rrs gene) [6] and ethambutol (EMB) (by targeting the emb 306 mutation in the emb gene). [7] We evaluated the performance of this Genotype MTBDRsl kit with 170 smear positive clinical sputum specimens. The results were compared with the phenotypic DST done in Mycobacterial growth indicator tube (MGITEvaluation of Genotype MTBDRsl Assay960) (BD BioScience) using the WHO recommended critical concentrations. [8].NMaterials and Methods SettingThis st.