Tage of their disease. The therapy of cancer discomfort impacts patient excellent of life, which is closely associated with cancer therapy. Based on the principles on the three-step analgesic ladder, oxycodone is a first-line option for treating moderate-to-severe cancer discomfort, and its controlled-release formulation, OxyContin, is a essential drug for treating moderate-to-severe discomfort.1 Oxycodone has no capping dose as a result of the absence of a “ceiling” effect. Even so, the oxycodone dosage is restricted for numerous factors in clinical practice. This short article reports the usage of high-dose OxyContin to treat a patient who was admitted to our hospital, with all the aim of providing a reference for the clinical application of oxycodone. The time with the first OxyContin dose was used as the baseline within this report. This study was authorized by the first Affiliated Hospital of Dalian Medical University, and written informed consent was obtained from the patient.submit your manuscript | www.dovepressDrug Design, Development and Therapy 2016:ten 383sirtuininhibitorDovepressdx.doi.org/10.2147/DDDT.Ssirtuininhibitor2016 Zhou et al. This function is published and licensed by Dove Medical Press Restricted. The full terms of this license are available at https://www.dovepress/terms.php and incorporate the Creative Commons Attribution sirtuininhibitorNon Industrial (unported, v3.0) License (creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/). By accessing the perform you hereby accept the Terms. Non-commercial utilizes from the work are permitted with no any additional permission from Dove Medical Press Restricted, offered the operate is correctly attributed. For permission for commercial use of this operate, please see paragraphs four.2 and five of our Terms (https://www.dovepress/terms.php).Zhou et alDovepressPatient informationA 57-year-old male patient was hospitalized for chemotherapy on November 20, 2013, at 1 year and 11 months soon after becoming diagnosed with small-cell lung cancer within the left lung. The patient underwent fiber optic bronchoscopy at the Initially Affiliated Hospital of Dalian Healthcare University on December 9, 2011.Kirrel1/NEPH1 Protein Source Pathology final results indicated small-cell lung cancer, and a diagnosis of small-cell lung cancer in the left lung was produced (limitation period).CDCP1 Protein Source Right after the diagnosis was confirmed, the patient underwent an etoposide chemotherapy regimen (VP-16 plus cisplatin).PMID:23558135 The efficacy evaluation soon after 2 weeks indicated steady illness (SD). The patient refused radiotherapy. Just after an extra cycle of chemotherapy, the patient voluntarily terminated therapy because of poor compliance. The chest computed tomography (CT) examination on July 3, 2012, indicated a space-occupying mass in the hilus with the left lung, which was accompanied by obstructive pneumonia within the upper lobe on the left lung and nodules in the left lung. Compared together with the CT results from February 14, 2012, mediastinal lymph node metastases and an enlarged lesion have been observed, indicating illness progression. With the patient’s consent, VP-16 capsules were administered as oral chemotherapy, and SD was achieved soon after two therapy cycles. The remedy was stopped once more resulting from poor patient compliance. In late July 2012, the patient suffered hoarseness and was hospitalized because of chest tightness and shortness of breath. The imaging examination suggested disease progression. The patient started irinotecan and carboplatin chemotherapy on July 28, 2012, and completed 4 therapy cycles. The lung CT examination on April 3, 2013 indicated a space-occupy.